

For database administration the following commands are available.

NB, although SQLite works fine for most installations it is recommended for performance and reliability to use PostgreSQL.

create db

To create the database execute the following:

Open a command line, (if needed activate your virtualenv), and do

python GeoHealthCheck/ create

drop db

To delete the database execute the following, however you will loose all your information. So please ensure backup if needed:

Open a command line, (if needed activate your virtualenv), and do

python GeoHealthCheck/ drop

Note: you need to create a Database again before you can start GHC again.

load data

To load a JSON data file, do (WARN: deletes existing data!)

python GeoHealthCheck/ load <datafile.json> [y/n]

Hint: see tests/data for example JSON data files.

export data

Exporting database-data to a .json file with or without Runs is still to be done.

Exporting Resource and Run data from a running GHC instance can be effected via a REST API, for example:

NB for detailed reporting data only JSON is supported.

User Management

On setup a single admin user is created interactively.

Via the GHC_SELF_REGISTER config setting, you allow/disallow registrations from users on the website.


Passwords are stored encrypted. Even the same password-string will have different “hashes”. There is no way that GHC can decrypt a stored password. This can become a challenge in cases where a password is forgotten and somehow the email-based reset is not available nor working. In that case, password-hashes can be created from the command-line using the Python library passlib within an interactive Python-shell as follows:

$ pip install passlib
# or in Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install python-passlib

pythonfrom passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha256
>>> hash = pbkdf2_sha256.hash("mynewpassword")
>>> print hash
>>> pbkdf2_sha256.verify("mynewpassword", hash)

Or more compact within the root dir of your GHC installation:

>>> from GeoHealthCheck.util import create_hash
>>> create_hash('mynewpassword')

Or even more compact within the root dir of your GHC installation via Paver:

$ paver create_hash -p mypass
---> pavement.create_hash
Copy/paste the entire token below for example to set password

Then copy-paste the hash-string into the password-field of the User-record in the User-table. For example in SQL something like:

$ sqlite3 data.db
# or psql equivalent for Postgres

sqlite> UPDATE user SET password = '<above hash-value>' WHERE username == 'myusername';

Adding Resources

When being logged in, click the Add+ button for adding new resources.

The folowing resource types are available:

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Web Map Service (WMS)
  • Web Address (URL)
  • Catalogue Service (CSW)
  • Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
  • Web Processing Service (WPS)
  • Web Coverage Service (WCS)
  • Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Tile Map Service (TMS)
  • Web Accessible Folder (WAF)
  • Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
  • SensorThings API (STA)
  • GeoNode autodiscovery

Deleting Resources

Open the resource details by clicking its name in the resources list at the Dashboard page. Under the resource title is a red Delete button.

Editing Resources

Open the resource details by clicking its name in the resources list at the Dashboard page. Under the resource title is a blue Edit button.

The following aspects of a Resource can be edited:

  • Resource name
  • Resource Tags
  • Resource active/non-active
  • Notification recipients
  • Resource run schedule
  • Resource Probes, select from “Probes Available”
  • For each Probe: Probe parameters
  • For each Probe: Probe Checks, select from “Checks Available”
  • For each Check: Checks parameters

By default, when resource is created, owner’s email will be added to notifications, however, resource can have arbitrary number or emails to notify.

Running Healthchecks

Healthchecks (Runs) for each Resource can be scheduled via cron or (starting with v0.5.0) by running the GHC Runner app standalone (as daemon) or within the GHC Webapp.

Scheduling via Cron

Applies only to pre-0.5.0 versions.

Edit the file jobs.cron so that the paths reflect the path to the virtualenv. Set the first argument to the desired monitoring time step. If finished editing, copy the command line calls e.g. /YOURvirtualenv/bin_or_SCRIPTSonwindows/python /path/to/GeoHealthCheck/GeoHealthCheck/ run to the commandline to test if they work sucessfully. On Windows - do not forget to include the ‘’.exe.’’ file extension to the python executable. For documentation how to create cron jobs see your operating system: on *NIX systems e.g. crontab -e and on windows e.g. the nssm.

NB the limitation of cron is that the per Resource schedule cannot be applied as the cron job will run healthchecks on all Resources.

GHC Runner as Daemon

In this mode GHC applies internal scheduling for each individual Resource. This is the preferred mode as each Resource can have its own schedule (configurable via Dashboard) and cron has dependencies on local environment. Later versions may phase out cron-scheduling completely.

The GHC Runner can be run via the command paver runner_daemon or can run internally within the GHC Webapp by setting the config variable GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP to True (the default). NB it is still possible to run GHC as in the pre-v0.5.0 mode using cron-jobs: just run the GHC Webapp with GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP set to False and have your cron-jobs scheduled.

In summary there are three options to run GHC and its healthchecks:

  • run GHC Runner within the GHC Webapp: set GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP to True and run only the GHC webapp
  • (recommended): run GHC Webapp and GHC Runner separately (set GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP to False)
  • (deprecated): run GHC Webapp with GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP set to False and schedule healthchecks via external cron-jobs

Build Documentation

Open a command line, (if needed activate your virtualenv) and move into the directory GeoHealthCheck/doc/. In there, type ‘’make html’’ plus ENTER and the documentation should be built locally.

Email Configuration

A working email-configuration is required for notifications and password recovery. This can sometimes be tricky, below is a working configuration for the Gmail account

    'server': '',
    'port': 587,
    'tls': True,
    'ssl': False,
    'username': '',
    'password': '<my gmail password>'

Then in your Google Account settings for that email address you should turn on “Allow less secure apps” as explained here.

GeoNode Resource Type Notes

GeoNode Resource is a virtual resource. It represents one GeoNode instance, but underneath auto-discovery is applied of OWS endpoints available in that instance. Note, that OWS auto-discovery feature is optional, and you should check if your GeoNode instance has this feature enabled.

When adding GeoNode instance Resource, you have to enter the url to the GN instance’s home page. GeoHealthCheck will construct the urls to target OWS endpoints listing and create relevant Resources (WMS, WFS, WMTS, OWC Resources). It will check all endpoints provided by the GeoNode API, and will reject those which responded with an error.

All resources added in this way will have at least one tag, which is constructed with template: GeoNode _hostname_, where _hostname_ is a host name from url provided. For example, let’s assume you add GeoNode instance that is served from All resources created in this way will have GeoNode tag.