
Below are installation notes for GeoHealthCheck (GHC).


The easiest and quickest install for GHC is with Docker/Docker Compose using the GHC images hosted on Docker Hub.

See the GHC Docker Readme for a full guide.


GeoHealthCheck is built on the awesome Flask micro-framework and uses Flask-SQLAlchemy for database interaction and Flask-Login for authorization. Flask-Migrate with Alembic and Flask-Script is used for database upgrades.

OWSLib is used to interact with OGC Web Services.

APScheduler is used to run scheduled healthchecks.

These dependencies are automatically installed (see below). Paver is used for installation and management. Cron was used for scheduling the actual healthchecks before v0.5.0.



It is strongly recommended to install GeoHealthCheck in a Python virtualenv. a virtualenv is self-contained and provides the flexibility to install / tear down / whatever packages without affecting system wide packages or settings. If installing on Ubuntu, you may need to install the python-dev package for installation to complete successfully.

virtualenv ghc && cd ghc
. bin/activate
git clone
cd GeoHealthCheck

# install paver dependency for admin tool
pip install Paver

# setup app
paver setup

# create secret key to use for auth
paver create_secret_key

# almost there!  Customize config
vi instance/
# edit:
# - SECRET_KEY  # from paver create_secret_key
# - GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP # see 'running' section below
# - GHC_SMTP  # if GHC_NOTIFICATIONS is enabled
# - GHC_MAP  # or use default settings

# init database
python GeoHealthCheck/ create

# start web-app
python GeoHealthCheck/  # http://localhost:8000/

NB GHC supports internal scheduling, no cronjobs required.


An existing GHC database installation can be upgraded with:

# In the top directory (e.g. the topdir cloned from github)
paver upgrade

# Notice any output, in particular errors


  • Always backup your database first!!
  • make sure Flask-Migrate is installed (see requirements.txt), else: pip install Flask-Migrate==2.0.3, but best is to run paver setup also for other dependencies
  • upgrading is “smart”: you can always run paver upgrade, it has no effect when DB is already up to date
  • when upgrading from earlier versions without Plugin-support:
    • adapt your to Plugin settings from
    • assign Probes and Checks to each Resource via the UI

When running with Docker see the Docker Readme how to run paver upgrade within your Docker Container.

Upgrade notes v0.5.0

In GHC v0.5.0 a new run-architecture was introduced. By default, healthchecks run under the control of an internal scheduler, i.s.o. of external cron-jobs. See also the Architecture chapter and Running Healthchecks and below.

Upgrade notes v0.6.0

In GHC v0.6.0 encryption was added for password storage. Existing passwords should be migrated via the paver upgrade command. Also password recovery was changed: a user can create a new password via a unique, personal URL that GHC sends by email. This requires a working email configuration and a reachable SITE_URL config value. See User Management for solving password problems.


Start using Flask’s built-in WSGI server:

python GeoHealthCheck/  # http://localhost:8000
python GeoHealthCheck/  # http://localhost:8881
python GeoHealthCheck/  #

This runs the (Flask) GHC Webapp, by default with the GHC Runner (scheduled healthchecker) internally. See also Running Healthchecks for the different options running the GHC Webapp and GHC Runner. It is recommended to run these as separate processes. For this set GHC_RUNNER_IN_WEBAPP to False in your From the command-line run both processes, e.g. in background or different terminal sessions:

# run GHC Runner, here in background
python GeoHealthCheck/ &

# run GHC Webapp for http://localhost:8000
python GeoHealthCheck/

To enable in Apache, use GeoHealthCheck.wsgi and configure in Apache as per the main Flask documentation.

Running under a sub-path

By default GeoHealthCheck is configured to run under the root directory on the webserver. However, it can be configured to run under a sub-path. The method for doing this depends on the webserver you are using, but the general requirement is to pass Flask’s SCRIPT_NAME environment variable when GeoHealthCheck is started.

Below is an example of how to use nginx and gunicorn to run GeoHealthCheck in a directory “geohealthcheck”, assuming that you have nginx and gunicorn already set up and configured:

  • In nginx add a section to the server block you are running GeoHealthCheck under:
location /geohealthcheck {
  • Include the parameter “-e SCRIPT_NAME=/geohealthcheck” in your command for running gunicorn:
gunicorn -e SCRIPT_NAME=/geohealthcheck app:app

Production Recommendations

Use Docker!

When running GHC in long-term production environment the following is recommended:

Using Docker, especially with Docker Compose (sample files provided) is our #1 recommendation. It saves all the hassle from installing the requirements, upgrades etc. Docker (Compose) is also used to run the GHC demo site and almost all of our other deployments.

Use PostgreSQL

Although GHC will work with SQLite, this is not a good option for production use, in particular for reliability starting with GHC v0.5.0:

  • reliability: GHC Runner will do concurrent updates to the database, this will be unreliable under SQLite
  • performance: PostgreSQL has been proven superior, especially in query-performance

Use a WSGI Server

Although GHC can be run from the commandline using the Flask internal WSGI web-server, this is a fragile and possibly insecure option in production use (as also the Flask manual states). Best is to use a WSGI-server as stated in the Flask deployment options.

See for example the GHC Docker script to run the GHC Webapp with gunicorn and the GHC Runner script to run the scheduled healthchecks.

Use virtualenv

This is a general Python-recommendation. Save yourself from classpath and library hells by using virtualenv!


As users and admin may login, running on plain http will send passwords in the clear. These days it has become almost trivial to automatically install SSL certificates with Let’s Encrypt.